
Hello everyone, I’m Chinmay from India, currently in my first year of Mechanical Engineering at Chiba University.

My journey began in April 2023, when I moved to Osaka University to study Japanese for a year before starting my engineering programme. Despite a year of studying Japanese, I still struggle to express myself in the language. However, I’m committed to becoming fluent so I can engage naturally with my friends and classmates.

I have been interested in cars ever since I was a kid, and wanting to become a racing driver was a dream of mine back then. My interest in driving cars evolved into the science underlying them through watching Formula 1 and other racing series. Hence, I joined the Formula Student Team to further my knowledge of automobiles and motorsports.

Up until now, my stay in Japan has been filled with intriguing and novel experiences, and I plan to keep having this kind of time at university. I look forward to working with all the team members!